
Watching your child play youth soccer is a thrilling experience. That being said, it’s important to stick to sideline etiquette when cheering them on. Respecting those around you will ensure everyone is comfortable and focused on the game. Remember the following tips at your child’s next event.

How to Cheer for Your Youth Soccer Player

1. Cheer at a Polite Level

It's easy to get upset at a bad call or go wild when your child scores a goal, but it’s best to set these emotions aside. Cheering at an appropriate volume ensures your enthusiasm doesn't distract other parents, the coach, and the players. You'll also set a good example to others in the stands and can have conversations with them.

2. Trust the Coach & Referees

youth soccer

Coaching youth soccer requires strategy, patience, and many other skills. Support the coach any time you can. If they pull your child from the game for a breather or change the team strategy, trust that it's part of a plan. 

There’s no way to know what’s truly going on from the sideline. The coach may have benched a player for their safety or needs to teach a quick lesson on strategy and technique. Show the same respect to the referees. These highly trained professionals have a field-level view of the game and make informed, unbiased calls.

3. Support Everyone

It takes a team to win a game, so cheer for everyone. If you don’t know everyone by name, stick to pronouns so no one feels left out. Say the youth soccer team’s name to cheer everyone on, or celebrate a great pass or team defensive effort rather than a single player. Your enthusiasm will help everyone feel supported and build unity among the teammates and other parents.


Ready to enroll your child in youth soccer? Beachside Soccer Club of Norwalk, CT, offers training programs for athletes five to 13 years old. Their experienced coaches teach all the fundamentals of the sport and will give your child the tools they need to excel. Learn more about their soccer club online or call (203) 852-6969 to discuss enrollment.
