
Soccer is a fun, competitive sport for kids to get involved in. However, there is always a chance they could get hurt during soccer training. Strains and sprains are common injuries, while cuts, bruises, and concussions can be serious enough to merit a trip to the emergency room. Fortunately, there are some ways to reduce your child's soccer-related injuries.

How to Prevent Your Kid's Soccer Injuries

1. Keep Fit

Make sure your child is in good physical condition before soccer training at the start of the season. Have them follow a fitness or conditioning program tailored to their needs. For instance, girls are more prone to developing knee problems, so incorporating jumping and landing exercises into their workout routine might be a smart idea. Don't push them too hard, but ensure that they're prepared for the potential hazards of playing.

2. Get Ready Properly

Have your kids perform warm-ups and cool-downs every time they play. Warming up, which should include stretching, raises body temperatures and increases blood flow to the muscles, helping to reduce soreness and risk of injury. Conversely, cooling down lets the heart recover and revert to its pre-exercise rate and blood pressure.

3. Wear Appropriate Gear

soccer training

Shins are one of the most likely areas to be injured, so it's critical to protect them by wearing shin guards. A study has shown that shin guards provide significant protection, depending on their material and structure. As much as possible, wear shoes with ribbed soles and molded cleats—only use screw-in cleats when traction is needed, such as in wet fields.

4. Play Only If There's No Pain

Watch your kid during soccer training and games to see if there's anything unusual to their play. If they seem to be in pain, ask their coach to take them out. Consult a health professional to identify the source of pain and address it. Only allow them to get back on the field once the injury has completely healed and been cleared by the doctor.

5. Take Breaks

Sometimes, your child's injuries can result from overusing specific parts of their bodies because of the sport. Encourage them to take up other physical activities or sports to work out other parts. Not only does it prevent overuse injuries, but it also develops their other skills.


Follow the above tips to reduce the likelihood of injuries during your child's soccer training and play at Beachside Soccer Club in Norwalk, CT. This youth soccer organization has expert coaches who can ensure your child’s safety while teaching them fundamental techniques on the field. Learn more about this soccer club online, or call (203) 852-6969 today.
