
Thinking of summer can evoke thoughts of warm sunlight, swimming, and relaxing time off while thinking about winter can have you worrying about catching a cold. However, illness can still be common in the warm weather months, with some afflictions appearing more often in the summer than any other season. To protect your health as summer rolls around, have a look at these common summer illnesses and find out how your local pharmacy can help.

3 Summer Illnesses & Tips for Prevention

1. Recreational Water Illnesses (RWIs)

Visiting your local pool or lake is a popular summer pastime, but it is also one of the riskiest without proper precautions. Bodies of water are an ideal breeding ground for bacteria that cause illnesses such as giardia, salmonella, and E. coli that can enter the body through the ears, eyes, mouth, and nose. The next time you go for a summer swim, take care to wash with soap before and after swimming and drain and dry your ears to prevent sickness.

2. Poison Ivy, Sumac, & Oak Rashes

pharmacy denver, pennsylvaniaHiking, gardening, and other outdoor activities are a great way to get fresh air and reconnect with nature. However, you can also be exposed to irritating and harmful plants like poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac that will leave an uncomfortable and itchy, red rash on your skin.

Your neighborhood pharmacy will carry topical creams and ointments, like calamine lotion, which can alleviate symptoms. You can further avoid a run-in with these plants by learning what they look like and steering clear of them as much as possible.

3. Food Poisoning

Foodborne illnesses peak in the summer because bacterias causing food poisoning thrive on humidity and heat. This peak is due to the increase in people who cook and eat their meals outside without the same safety measures they use indoors, like coolers and refrigerators.

If you’re experiencing vomiting, diarrhea, and temperatures over 102 degrees Fahrenheit, speak to your doctor about the possibility of food poisoning. You can protect yourself by thoroughly cooking your food and storing it at proper temperatures. Washing your hands before and after handling food and throughout the day can also prevent this illness.


If you’re concerned about protecting your family from common summer illnesses, stock your medicine cabinet with supplies from Anderson Pharmacy in Denver, PA. For nearly 30 years, this local pharmacy has prided itself on offering expert advice and comprehensive service for prescription and over-the-counter medicines, as well as providing a wide selection of first aid supplies, cosmetics, and gifts. Call (717) 484-2649 to speak with a staff member or visit them online to find out more.
