
It’s a problem almost every building owner sees sooner or later—concrete that has cracked, delaminated, or even fallen from the side of the building. But how does this problem occur in the first place, and is there anything that can be done to repair it? The building inspection team at Construction Management Inspection, LLC in Honolulu, HI, has your answers.

What Causes Concrete Spalling?

While there are many potential culprits behind concrete spalling, the most common is the corrosion of the steel reinforcement bars within a concrete structure. As steel corrodes, it expands, which, in turn, puts added stress on the concrete and causes it to crack and deteriorate. This problem is especially common in Hawaii, where the ocean air increases a structure’s exposure to salt, a common cause of steel corrosion.

building inspectionWhile concrete spalling may initially appear to be nothing more than a cosmetic issue, it can actually cause several problems for your property. Building inspection experts say falling pieces of concrete can pose a severe safety hazard to passersby. If the problem is allowed to get out of hand, it could even destabilize the entire structure.

What Can Be Done?

Concrete spalling is a serious concern, but you can take steps to halt its negative impact. Most often, the affected area will be patched with new concrete, and then steel reinforcement anodes will be added around the patch, a process that can help eliminate spalling in the affected area for up to 20 years. Installing additional anodes in a grid pattern can also help prevent the spread of concrete spalling, maintaining the aesthetics and safety of your building.

From concrete spalling to foundation issues, a building inspection from Construction Management Inspection, LLC can help you identify and address key concerns with your property. With over 35 years of experience, you can have confidence their property inspections will be effective and informative. To learn more about their services, visit them online, or call (808) 422-2132.
