
Hearing loss can have a noticeable effect on a person’s quality of life. Having trouble hearing makes it difficult to socialize and keep conversations going; as a result, it could lead to negative feelings such as isolation and depression. Although gradual hearing loss is normal as people age, several factors could put some patients at higher risk. If you’re experiencing hearing loss, here are three causes that could be to blame.

3 Possible Causes Behind Sudden Hearing Loss

1. Earwax Buildup

When you put in earbuds or clean your ear with cotton swabs, you could accidentally push earwax further into the inner parts, creating a blockage. In other cases, this blockage could be caused by natural earwax production. This blockage can cause temporary hearing loss. Once it's removed, your hearing should return to normal. Though earwax buildup can often be cleared using a cleaning kit at home, more severe cases require professional medical services. 

2. Inner Ear Damage

Hearing lossConstant exposure to loud noise can cause damage to your ear’s hairs or nerve cells over time. This wear and tear could disrupt the body’s process of transmitting sound signals from the ears to the brain. Patients with inner ear damage can experience dizziness, visual disturbance called oscillopsia, and balance difficulties in addition to hearing troubles. If you suspect you’ve suffered inner ear damage, consult a medical practitioner for advice.

3. Ruptured Eardrum

A middle ear infection could cause eardrum damage, constant exposure to loud sounds, or severe head trauma. The eardrum could also be punctured or torn by foreign objects like a cotton swab or a hairpin. In addition to hearing troubles, patients with a ruptured eardrum can also experience ear pain, drainage from the ear, vertigo, and nausea. If these symptoms accompany your hearing loss, it’s best to consult a doctor to address the problem and avoid further injury.



For hearing loss and other ENT problems, Glacier Ear Nose & Throat and Glacier Hearing Services is a reliable healthcare provider. Servicing clients around Kalispell, MT, this practice’s ear nose and throat doctors have immense experience in dealing with hearing troubles, conducting hearing tests, and administering hearing aid services. Call (406) 752-8330 to get in touch with them or visit their website for more information about their services.
