You don't have to know everything about how your septic system works to take proper care of it throughout the year. With the help of a few handy guidelines, you'll keep your system running as smoothly as possible without the looming fear of unexpected plumbing repairs or total breakdowns. K & G Plumbing & Heating of Hastings, NE, has been serving the Adams County area for the past 25 years, and their team is here to make sure you don't run into any easily avoidable problems with your system.
Top 3 Septic System Maintenance Guidelines
1. Make Efficient Use of Water
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, your average single-home family goes through an astounding 70 gallons of water per person each day. All of that eventually makes its way into the septic system, so you can better protect yours through efficient usage. Beyond basic conservation, change the way your family uses water with new, high-efficiency toilets and shower heads with flow restrictors. It also helps to spread your laundry loads out to give the system more time to treat wastewater.
2. Be Mindful of Waste Disposal
Speaking of waste, the way you dispose of yours could have a significant impact on the septic system. Remember, the only items you should be flushing down the toilet are human waste and toilet paper. Anything else could affect your system's performance and lead to a backed-up drainfield. Be mindful of what you let into your drain and garbage disposal in the kitchen, as well, and avoid using caustic chemical cleaners to treat clogged drains.
3. Regularly Inspect & Pump the System
The final step isn't one you can do on your own, but you should still develop a strict maintenance schedule and stick to it. Count on your local plumbing contractor to inspect your septic system at least once every three years, with professional pumping set for every three to five years. You can even make note of the sludge and scum levels found after the latest inspection to determine exactly when you'll need your next pumping.
The more effort you put into keeping your septic system in top condition, the less time and money you'll have to spend on annoying plumbing problems in the future. For septic installation, inspections, and many other related services, K & G Plumbing & Heating has you covered. Head to their website to learn more about their extensive plumbing expertise, and give them a call at (402) 463-4470 to schedule an appointment today.