Developing a successful bowling game depends largely on the quality of your release technique. The more effectively you can control the ball before you send it down the lane, the more likely you’ll achieve a winning shot. Here are three tips to improve your form.
How to Perfect Your Bowling Release
1. Focus on Timing
Releasing the ball at the appropriate time is key to a smooth, successful roll. If you bring it down too early, you’re likely to “drop” it onto the lane, and it will be less inclined to follow your intended path. As you move forward to release the ball, ensure your arm crosses your body first and your foot is just behind the foul line.
2. Control Your Body
There’s more to bowling than rolling the ball and hoping it knocks down pins. For maximum strategic impact, control your body’s movements. Relax your arm but grip the ball firmly with your fingers. As you swing, visualize your arm as a pendulum; this will help you release it the way you want. As you come to the foul line, step straight forward and keep your eyes locked on your target with your shoulders parallel. Ideally, as the ball rises over the foul line, it will do so in an upward fashion.
3. Use Speed
A little speed can go a long way in helping you succeed at the bowling alley. As you prepare to release, accelerate your hand movement to propel the ball down the lane faster. Do this about a foot before you let it fly.
If you’re looking for a great way to spend quality time with your friends and perfect your bowling game, look no further than All Star Lanes & Banquets in La Crosse, WI. More than an average bowling alley, this top-tier facility doubles as a banquet hall where you can host a party or relax with delicious pizza and drinks. Visit them online to learn more about the establishment and its restaurant, or call (608) 788-7827.