
Over and overbites are common, sometimes unnoticeable dental conditions that can have a serious impact on your oral health. Many people assume that these misalignments are permanent, but dentists and oral surgeons have a variety of techniques for correcting over and underbites. Below is an overview of this condition and how your dentist can help.

How Do Jaw Misalignments Affect Your Life?

Underbites are dental conditions in which the lower teeth protrude further than the upper front teeth. An overbite is the opposite, with the upper teeth overlapping the jaw. A severe overbite causes a person’s jaw to recede, sometimes rounding their face and making them look older. Extreme underbites, on the other hand, can also affect the appearance of your entire face.

However, the consequences of jaw misalignments are much more than cosmetic irregularities. Many people with over and underbites experience TMJ, a painful condition of the jaw. You might also experience difficulty chewing food or speaking clearly.

What Are the Causes of Under and Overbites?

oral surgeons

Some people are genetically predisposed to jaw misalignment, but childhood habits can also cause overbites. Thumb-sucking, for example, can push the upper teeth forward while forcing the jaw to recede.

Facial injuries and tumors can also change the shape of the jaw and how the teeth align. While many people assume these issues are permanent, oral surgeons actually have a variety of treatment options available.

What Are Some Possible Treatments for Over and Underbites?

Dentists can often use braces to straighten teeth and bring them back into alignment. Metal braces are a common treatment, but many patients opt for clear plastic aligners that are less visible and easier to keep clean. In some cases, the dentist may have to remove teeth from the bottom jaw if crowding contributed to an overbite.

More serious misalignment cases normally have to be treated with jaw surgery. Depending on the specifics of your case, an oral surgeon may reshape the jaw to length or shorten the bone or use plates to adjust the alignment. These procedures can often alleviate pressure on nerves, reducing daily discomfort and making it easier to chew and speak.


Whether you’re living with an underbite or considering implants, Lyle C. Yanagihara, DDS, MS provides exceptional service using some of the most advanced techniques in the industry. Over the years, they’ve earned a reputation throughout Honolulu for delivering beautiful results and a wide array of services. Visit their websiteto learn more about their services, or call (808) 973-1433 to make an appointment with an oral surgeon today.
