
While the sustainability movement can sometimes seem remote, your next building or office cleaning is the perfect opportunity to join the cause and help the environment on a local level. By working with a green cleaning service, you can invest in both the short-term health of your workspace and the long-term viability of the planet. Here are three reasons why green cleaning is a valuable practice. 

A Guide to the Benefits of Green Cleaning

A Healthier Choice

green cleaningA major benefit of green cleaning methods is that they rely on materials that will not have a negative effect on your health. Standard cleaning chemicals frequently contain carcinogens and other toxins that can irritate the skin, aggravate respiratory issues, or otherwise harm human health. Instead of signing up for a wild card service that may make your employees ill, the safe bet is to opt for sustainable and safer materials.  

Environmental Boost 

Another great perk of green cleaning is that the technicians will be using products that have been manufactured sustainably. That means they’ll often be produced in environmentally friendly ways or with the help of recycled materials. Traditional cleaning supplies are not created with any concern for the environment in mind, adding more carbon to the air and contributing byproducts that may be toxic to nearby air or water.  

Preserve Your Surfaces

Green cleaning materials tend to have more natural ingredients, providing a gentler touch to your countertops, upholstery, and other surfaces. Many conventional products, on the other hand, rely on strong and abrasive chemicals that will clean the site, but at the cost of damaging it over time. The colors will dull, and a firm surface may become more brittle.


Serving the Greater St. Paul, MN, area, Marsden Building Maintenance, LLC, has become known as the area’s most renowned janitorial services company. Known for their responsible green cleaning practices, the professionals will leave your building spotless while using sustainable methods. To discuss your specific needs, just call (651) 641-1717. Learn more about the company by visiting their website
