
High levels of calcium and other minerals in your tap water can give your water a strange taste, and it can leave stains in sinks, tubs, and home appliances. In severe cases, your water can also stain your clothes and eventually cause deposits to build up in your plumbing. This phenomenon is known as hard water, and it can be eliminated with a water softener. Below are a few signs that you should ask a water well services provider to install a softener in your home.

5 Signs You Have Hard Water

1. Strange Stains in Sinks and Toilets

Iron in the water may eventually oxidize, leaving behind rusty stains in your toilets, sinks, and other fixtures. An advanced softener can remove the metal and keep the rust out of your clothes, food, and drinking water.

2. Odd Tastes or Smells

water well servicesYour home’s water should taste pleasant and be free of odors, so strange tastes or smells can often be traced to high mineral content. For instance, if your water smells somewhat like rotten eggs, it might contain too much sulfur. A metallic taste usually indicates excessive amounts of iron.

3. Excessive Soap Scum

Water overloaded with calcium doesn’t interact well with soap, so you’ll likely notice an unsightly scum all over your shower if this is the case. You also might have problems getting your shampoo, body wash, and other shower products to lather up the way you want.

4. Itchy, Dry Skin

If your water is too hard, the same soapy residue you see in the shower is also left on your skin and hair. For many people, this can cause itchy irritation, redness, and flakes, no matter how much moisturizer they use.

5. Rough, Dingy Clothes

The way that hard water interacts with cleaning substances has a major impact on your laundry, too. Excessive calcium and magnesium can make it impossible to rinse off your laundry detergent, leaving clothes looking dirty and worn. Your towels might also get scratchy and rough, even after just a few washes.


If you have hard water, call in the experts at Morgan Well & Pump Inc, Kannapolis, NC’s leading water well services provider. Since 1948, they’ve provided the best equipment on the market and unparalleled expertise to generations of families, ensuring fresh, clean drinking water free of minerals, chemicals, and other impurities. Visit their website for more on their well water services, or call (704) 933-0479 to discuss your issue and arrange a test today.
