What Are the Differences Between Internet & Wi-Fi Services?
Whether you’re only online to catch up on social media or you’re working or attending school from home, the quality of your internet and Wi-Fi matter. However, while these terms refer to different services, many people use them interchangeably. To better understand the differences and ensure you have an ideal setup for your home, learn more below.
The internet is an international, interconnected interface of computers and networks. All these devices follow a specific protocol, which is essentially a type of programming that allows them to connect.
When you sign up with an internet service provider (ISP), they’ll allow you to be online. Once connected, you’ll be able to download and upload data when browsing the web, streaming movies, and sending files.
Whereas the internet is the primary connection, Wi-Fi is what makes it possible for your devices to be online. Short for “wireless fidelity,“ Wi-Fi relies on a router to allow a computer, tablet, or gaming console to connect to the network connection provided by the ISP. As the name suggests, this is a wireless link from the router that transmits to the device. Because of this, you must be using an up-to-date router that’s compatible with your computer and other devices. If you have the wrong router, you’ll likely have problems with the connection.
If you need to upgrade your internet plan or router, contact Delhi Telephone Company in Delaware County, NY. For more than 120 years, they’ve provided phone and internet services for residents and business owners. Known for their customer service and community involvement, you can trust they’ll know what’s best for you and your family. Find out more about their internet services on their website, or call (607) 746-1500 if you have any questions.
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