
Whether you're a small business just starting out or a larger, more established company, so much of your daily operations depend on the security of your Wi-Fi connection. It's necessary for everything from basic online research to company-wide video conference calls; if its security is compromised, it could expose sensitive information. So to protect your internet connection and work, here's what you need to do. 

How to Protect Business Internet Wi-Fi

1. Physically Secure the Router


Although it may seem too simple a solution, moving your router to a secure location can tamp down on potential breaches. An office with monitored surveillance cameras and restricted access is ideal. However, if you're a small business and don't have a dedicated room, a locked cabinet is better than nothing. Note, it should still be spacious; if there are too many items around the router, it can obstruct the strength of the Wi-Fi signal itself. You may notice your internet speeds slowing down or dropping after you've locked it in a cramped cabinet.

2. Change the Default Settings

To make setting up the router easy, they often come with basic login information. For example, the username is often just "admin." Always change that and the password to something unique to prevent people from guessing. As for the password, like any of them, they should be quite long, about 15 characters or so, with a few numbers and special characters mixed in. 

3. Maintain Software & Firmware Updates

Finally, stay on top of any updates for your router, operating system, and any programs or applications. By and large, these updates are made to address specific glitches or cybersecurity vulnerabilities. Usually, there is an auto-install feature for these things that will take place when the computer is idle or reset, so if it keeps slipping your mind, this feature has got you covered. 

If you're having issues with your current business internet or Wi-Fi situation, contact Delhi Telephone Company for an upgrade. Located in Delhi, NY, they've provided reliable telecommunications for residents and businesses throughout the community for more than a century. They're not just known for their services, either; they're also actively involved in many local events, like parades and high school sports games. You can learn more about everything they do on their website, but if you have any questions, you can call them at (607) 746-1500. 
