
Most homeowners and renters experience power outages at various points. As unpleasant and frustrating as these outages are, since they affect the internet and cable in addition to light fixtures and appliances, it is important to stay as calm as possible. Below are steps to take following an outage to keep you out of the dark. 

What to Do in the Event of a Power Outage

1. Check the Electrical Panel

The outage could be due to too many high-powered appliances and electronics relying on one circuit. Power shut-offs prevent the electrical system from overheating and causing a fire, so check your panel to see if the breaker tripped. If everything is in order and it looks like some or all of your neighborhood is experiencing an outage, report the problem to your local utility company. Depending on what caused the issue, the company might be able to tell you when the power will come back on. 

2. Unplug All Appliances


Once the power does return, the resulting surge can overwhelm appliances and electronics that were left on and plugged in. Rather than unintentionally frying these products and dealing with expensive repair and replacement costs, turn everything off. Unplug all electronics and appliances as well to protect them from sudden power surges. 

3. Use a Generator

If you have a backup generator, now is the time to use it. Depending on the size, a generator can provide enough power for an entire home, including its cable and internet services. If you do not have a generator, consider investing in one and use other means of light, such as battery-operated flashlights, candles, and flameless candles. 

4. Keep Your Fridge Door Closed 

Refrigerated food stays good for about four hours after a power outage, assuming you do not open your fridge too often. If the outage extends past the four-hour mark, purchase ice and pack coolers to avoid food spoilage. Should you need to get food out of your refrigerator during an outage, try to open and close the door as fast as possible to prevent warm air from entering the space. 


For high-quality phone, cable, and internet services, rely on Delhi Telephone Company. Based in Delhi, NY, this local company also provides backup battery power to protect you from outage issues. Call (607) 746-1500 today to make an appointment or learn more about backup services online. Like the Facebook page for the latest updates and helpful hints.
