
Workers' compensation is a type of insurance employers may be obligated to take out to cover potential workplace injuries. If you are hurt on the job, you may file a claim. If successful, you can get compensation for costs like medical expenses and lost wages. However, not all claims are approved. While it's possible to appeal, it's important to understand why a claim was denied before proceeding. Discover common reasons for denial below.

What Led to a Rejected Workers' Comp Claim?

1. Lack of Solid Evidence

To qualify for workers' compensation, you must prove that your injury was incurred on the job in the course of work-related duties. You must further prove that you experienced damages as a result of your injury. Proof could include eyewitness accounts, security camera footage, and medical records. 

Evidentiary discrepancies are also an issue, such as if your accident report describes an injury that's inconsistent with the medical file.

2. Delayed Reporting

workers' compensation

You should immediately report any workplace accident to your superior and complete an accident report. If you don't report right away, insurers may assume that you weren't actually injured. Worse, they may suspect you of fraud. 

There are also legal limits on how long you can wait to report a workplace injury, which can vary on a state-by-state basis. Even if an injury seems minor, it's worth reporting. You never know if something small can become a larger issue. For instance, a small cut can get infected.

3. Drugs or Alcohol Were Involved

You aren't entitled to workers' compensation if drugs or alcohol were involved in your workplace accident. Beware that when you report your work injury, your employer is legally allowed to require you to complete a drug and alcohol screening test. If drugs or alcohol are found in your system, you might not get a payout.


If you need help filing or appealing a workers' compensation claim in upstate New York, consult Vincent J. Criscuolo & Associates. Based in Rochester, Attorney Criscuolo and his team will conduct an in-depth review of your claim and provide honest feedback as to the best way forward. To contact them for a consultation, call (585) 232-3240 or use their online chat tool.
