
Ticks are a common problem for dogs, and many of their humans know that it can sometimes be exceptionally difficult to find one of these pests after they’ve burrowed into a pet’s skin. Because they can cause a range of health problems requiring a visit with a veterinarian to address, it’s a good idea to invest in preventive treatment. Here's how to know your companion might have a tick.

How Can You Tell if Your Dog Has a Tick?

1. Small Bumps

Ticks feed by sinking their mouths into an animal’s flesh while leaving the bulk of their bodies exposed. The resulting lump can be mistaken for any number of other issues, from scars to warts. That's why in most cases, it’s wise to treat every unidentifiable bump with caution. If you can’t determine what it is or how it got there, the safest course of action is to have your pet checked out by a veterinarian.

2. Difficulty Walking


This pest's saliva contains a neurotoxin that can have harmful effects on dogs, one of which is progressive paralysis. This affects the hind legs first, typically resulting in an unsteady or wobbling gait. This is a rare reaction to tick bites but one that can have severe long-term repercussions. Schedule an emergency checkup as soon as you notice this behavior.

3. Unexplained Fever

Like most parasites, ticks can spread a variety of illnesses through their bites. One of the most serious is dog tick fever, which presents serious symptoms, such as a temperature of up to 105 degrees Fahrenheit, loss of appetite, unexplained trembling, and weakness. 

These symptoms can result from a number of conditions, so it's wise not to assume a tick is the root cause. Have a vet determine the root cause to learn which treatment is required.


If you’re concerned that your pup may be suffering from a tick bite, trust the experts at Animal Care Center of Fairfield in Lebanon, OH. These experienced veterinarians offer first-class medical care and work to provide a comfortable, calm environment for their four-legged patients. They also offer extended doctor hours to ensure your pet receives the care they need without delay or overpriced emergency fees. To make an appointment, call them at (513) 829-6621. Visit their website to learn more about their friendly staff.
