
The challenges your teen faces are much different from those you faced when you were their age. Teens are notorious for being moody and unpredictable, but their behavior results from numerous factors that can be understood by communicating with your teenager, particularly with the aid of counseling. Make it easier to resolve conflicts with your teen by gaining a better understanding of why they act the way they do.

Challenges for Teens That Affect Their Behavior

During the teen years, changes in hormones influence how your child behaves, including verbal outbursts or even violent acts. The amygdala, which governs immediate reactions such as aggression and fear, develops early on in life. However, the frontal cortex, which governs reasoning and thinking before acting, develops later — well after a teen becomes an adult.

counselingAs a teenager, your child is still developing their identity. When exposed to social media influences, changing friendships, and relationships (especially breakups), they can experience feelings of frustration and confusion that they aren’t equipped to deal with alone. Exposure to violence in the news and unstable systems — from family and school issues to problems with large-scale systems such as the government and economy — make personal growth even more difficult for teens, as they’re still trying to figure out their place in their immediate environment. These are all issues that can be addressed more easily with the help of counseling.

The Key to Resolving Conflict With Your Teen

To help resolve parent-teen conflicts, serve as a model for behaviors that you want their teens to adopt. Accept how you and your teenager feel. Listen to their point of view. Try to understand their feelings. These strategies will help immensely as you and your teen work through rough periods. Make it a point to talk to your teen, listen to their thoughts and opinions, and help them understand your views. If you feel that you’re hitting a wall, reach out to a counseling provider to help move things forward.



If you’re ready to improve your communication with your teen through counseling, get in touch with Fairbanks Psychiatric & Neurological Clinic APC. Backed by 30 years of experience, these skilled and compassionate family therapists provide services in psychiatry, neurology, and counseling to clients throughout Fairbanks, AK. Sally Caldwell, LPC-S, is now accepting Tricare as insurance. Visit them online to learn more about the help they offer or call (907) 452-1739 to book a confidential appointment.
