
In the times of ancient Polynesia, each large island district had its own army. Whether they were battling rival islands or factions, these warriors used an array of innovative weapons. While you may see replicas of these tools in souvenir shops, you may not know how they were created or used. If you want a more vivid picture of the armies and their tactics, here’s a brief overview of ancient Polynesian weapons.

4 Ancient Polynesian Weapons

1. Daggers

When Westerners first arrived in ancient Polynesia, they were surprised by the various types of daggers they saw. These included long- and curved-bladed daggers, as well as those made with shark teeth. Most daggers were carved from wood, about 1.5 feet long, and sharpened at one or both ends. Warriors fastened daggers to their hands with string and used them in close combat.

2. Clubs

souvenirsClubs were the most popular weapon to use in battle. Most clubs were three to six feet long, but some were shorter. While some warriors carved an entire club from wood, others only carved a wooden handle and attached it to a shaped stone. Additionally, some Polynesians pegged or used wooden wedges to attach sharks’ teeth along the sides of their weapons. Shark-tooth clubs typically contained about five to 30 teeth.

3. Spears

Unlike most Polynesian warriors, ancient Hawaiians favored spears over clubs. Made from kauila or another dense, dark wood, these spears ranged from six to 5 feet long. Short spears were usually used for close combat, while longer ones were thrown. Ancient Hawaiian warriors practiced their spear techniques for hours each day.

4. Sling

The sling was another popular Polynesian weapon, and it was deadly due to its long-range capabilities. Sling makers wove strips of natural string and placed them in the center of longer plaited ropes. This weapon allowed warriors to throw spindle-shaped stones made of dense volcanic rock from great distances.


If you want to take home a piece of history from your island vacation, get your souvenirs from Hoku Traders of Hawaii in Honolulu. This family-owned and -operated shop offers replicas of ancient Polynesian weapons, as well as many other Hawaiian-themed gifts. View their souvenir inventory online, or call (808) 597-1344 to ask about worldwide shipping.
