Embarking on a wine tasting or experimenting with wine tours are great ways to sample a wide variety of wines while enjoying the company of other enthusiasts. To ensure that you act accordingly for such an event, Cincy Brew Bus, the leading brewery and winery tour group in Cincinnati, OH, has shared their approach to wine tasting etiquette.
Be open to trying new wines.
In large part, the fun of a wine tour is in the freedom to experiment with new flavors and styles of wine. Try to leave any preconceived notions about wine varieties behind and come to the tasting with an open mind. You may end up like something you never expected, so take advantage of this opportunity to try so many interesting new wines.
Make your own call on the spit or swallow debate.
There’s no hard and fast rule to settle the wine spitting or swallowing debate; it really comes down to personal preference. If you like a certain wine variety, enjoy yourself and swallow to get the full experience. If something isn’t to your liking and you opt to spit, it’s perfectly reasonable to do so, provided you politely use a spittoon.
Drink too quickly.
As much as you should most certainly enjoy yourself at a tasting, do remember to pace yourself. Keep in mind that the more quickly you drink, the less you’ll be able to remember about the wines. To maintain a steady drinking pace, remember to swirl, smell, and sip to truly get the most of the unique flavors and aromas.
Drink on an empty stomach.
Before the tasting—particularly if snacks will not be provided at the event—make sure to eat something about an hour prior. This will help you better absorb the wine and prevent you from drinking more than you intended. The last thing you want is to upset your stomach, feel woozy, or call unwanted attention to yourself.
If you’re looking to enjoy fun and memorable wine tours, look no further than Cincy Brew Bus in Cincinnati, OH. This wine and beer tour bus company offer riders a relaxed, hands-free experience and access to the best of Cincinnati’s many wineries. With unique private events and wine tours to suit every budget, you’re sure to have an unforgettable experience. To reserve a spot on an upcoming tour, give them a call today at (513) 258-7909 or visit their website for more information.