
Getting a new computer is an exciting experience. However, before you dive into gaming or working, there are important tasks to handle. It's crucial to optimize and protect the device, and following a few essential steps can protect its data. The following guide highlights how to ensure your computer works well. 

How Should You Handle a New Computer?

1. Update Settings

New computers don’t always come with the latest updates; the one you have may have been on a store shelf when the updates were released. If you’re using a PC, go to the Update & Security settings and click the Windows Update® to download any available updates. On a MacBook®, click the System Preferences tab to check for any software updates. 

Finally, visit the manufacturer’s website to see if new patches or drivers are available. These updates are crucial because they often improve the computer's performance, fix bugs, and increase security measures.

2. Activate Cybersecurity

new computer

If you need antivirus software, turn to IT professionals for assistance. There are many programs they can install that can monitor the device, capture suspicious files, and remove them before they can infect the computer. In addition, their databases are regularly updated to identify the newest security threats. 

Install an ad-blocker on your web browser, and check the firewall as well. On Macs, go to your system preferences and select the Firewall tab; turn it on if it’s disabled. On PCs, you can find this same tab in the settings under the Windows Security tab. The firewall prevents hackers and unauthorized users from accessing the device.

3. Transfer Files & Setup Recovery

Once secure, you can load data from your old computer to the new one. Connect an external hard drive or use cloud migration software to send the data over an internet connection. At the same time, set up a data backup system; many cloud services will automatically save your files on a daily or weekly basis. If you experience a problem with your device in the future, all the data will be safely stored on a cloud server. If you have any questions about the process, turn to IT professionals for guidance. 


Contact ComputerWerks in Fairbanks, AK, if you need help with a new computer. This reliable store handles various computer IT services, including computer repairs, virus removal, and software installation. They’ve served customers throughout the area since 1999 and are proud to offer senior and military discounts. Call (907) 451-4888 to discuss your needs, and visit their website to learn more about their services. 
