
Paper jams in printers seem to be common in office settings, but they don’t have to be. Some problems can only be fixed by a computer repair company, but it’s also important to know how to prevent any issues on your own. Here are the best practices for keeping an office printer running smoothly.

5 Tips to Avoid Jamming the Office Printer

1. Use the Right Type of Paper

The first step to ensure your printer does not jam is by purchasing the correct paper. There are different types of paper with specific uses, such as cardstock, photo, laser, and inkjet. Using the wrong kind in your printer can result in damaged printouts. Each printer has a user manual that will specify the types of paper you can safely use.

2. Avoid Overloading the Tray

An overloaded input tray computer repairis a common issue in an office. There will typically be a capacity line marked inside the tray, so never go above it. You should also avoid overloading the output tray to prevent a backlog. Have a separate tray nearby where employees can place unclaimed papers.

3. Keep It Clear of Foreign Objects

Paper clips and staples can easily become lodged inside printer rollers. Make sure to remove any foreign objects from printing paper before loading it. Put up signage reminding employees to avoid placing items near the input tray.

4. Store Paper Properly

Improperly stored paper can become creased, curled, or damp. Loading damaged sheets into a printer can quickly lead to trouble. Always store paper in a dry location away from the sun, and keep it in its original packaging until it’s needed. Before anyone inserts new paper, they should check the stack and throw out any sheets that could cause problems.

5. Avoid Mixing Papers

Occasionally, you may need to print materials that require a different type of paper, like a brochure or business proposal. Be sure to remove the paper currently in the input tray before using a new selection. Mixing papers with different weights and textures can result in a misfeed error. The printer rollers will not grip the new paper properly and may cause a jam.


If your office has a serious printer paper jam, call the computer repair professionals at ComputerWerks in Fairbanks, AK, for efficient assistance. They also offer a wide range of IT services, including network design and installation, remote access installation and setup, and responsive IT support. Contact the computer repair company at (907) 451-4888 to discuss your printer issue. For more information about their computer services, visit them online.
