
Bi-annual visits to the dentist are crucial to keeping your mouth clean and healthy. But a strong at-home oral health regimen is equally important to keep your smile in its best condition. Here are four tips to keep your teeth and gums healthy between dentist appointments. 

How to Maintain Your Teeth Between Dental Cleanings 

1. Eat a Nutritious Diet 

Good health starts from the inside, with proper nutrition. Eat a diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and nutrients such as protein and healthy fats to boost your immunity and strengthen bones and tissues. Foods rich in calcium such as kale, broccoli, cantaloupe, and dairy products can help strengthen and remineralize teeth, while active cultures in products such as yogurt can decrease harmful oral bacteria. Avoid sugary, starchy foods which can contribute to plaque and tartar buildup. Crunchy foods, such as carrots and celery and apples, can help clean teeth and remove bacteria naturally.  

2. Brush & Floss Daily 

dentistBrush for at least two minutes at least twice a day, using gentle circular motions to cover the surface of the teeth and gums thoroughly. Floss at least once a day, before bed, to clean plaque from between teeth and cut down on oral bacteria. Rinse for 30 to 60 seconds with mouthwash to rinse remaining bacteria and food particles. 

3. Flush With Fluoride

Fluoride is an effective means of strengthening enamel and preventing tooth decay. There are a few ways to add fluoride to your oral health regimen by asking your dentist to administer a fluoride treatment at your next visit. Between cleanings, you can also use fluoride toothpaste and a fluoride rinse. Many municipalities add fluoride to tap water as well, so drinking plenty of it is another excellent way to get more of this mineral. 

4. Don’t Smoke

Smoking tobacco can wreak havoc on your health in multiple ways. Tobacco products contain many chemicals and harmful components, including tar and arsenic, which can discolor your teeth, contribute to harmful bacteria, and expose your mouth to temperature changes which can thicken skin and decrease saliva production. Keep your mouth and body healthy by kicking the habit. 



The compassionate and experienced dentists at Lisa Tatum, DDS in Augusta County, VA, can take care of your oral needs. Dr. Tatum and her staff provide patients with a warm, comfortable atmosphere and top-of-the-line dentistry treatments. Whether you need dentures or teeth cleaning, you can trust these professionals with your smile. Call (540) 943-0973 to schedule an appointment or visit the website to learn more about their services. 
