
If you’re a musician who plays the viola, violin, or cello, there will come a time when you need to service or repair it. Sometimes your instrument is acting up, making strange noises or not tuning correctly, and you may also wonder how often you should maintain various parts. Since a functional instrument is key to producing beautiful music, it’s important you brush up on what various issues mean and how frequently you should bring it in for service. 

FAQs About Your String Instrument

How Long Does It Take to Rehair a Bow & How Often Should I Do It?

viola It usually takes about 24 hours to rehair a viola or other string instrument bow. Rehair your bow about every six months to a year depending on how often you use it. If you play daily, aim for the six-month mark.

When Should I Change Strings?

Strings should be changed if they are fraying, false, or no longer “ring”.  The time frame depends on how often you play and the quality of the strings.  Have them checked every 6 months to 1 year.

Why Am I Having Trouble Turning the Pegs?

If you’re unable to turn your pegs for tuning, it’s usually an issue of humidity. Maintaining your household humidity throughout the year is your best chance of avoiding this issue. Use a humidifier during the winter and a dehumidifier during the summer to avoid this problem.

What Is Causing My Viola, Violin, or Cello to Buzz?

Buzzing noises in string instruments have a variety of causes, including loose seams, tuners, and chin rest hardware. Other factors might be dirt in the f-holes and open cracks. A good violin shop can help you identify the cause of the vibration.



If you need to service your viola, violin, or cello, the experienced team at The String House in Rochester, NY, will give you a free estimate for repair or replacement. The store has proudly served the area for over 50 years and specializes in sales, rentals, and trade-ins in addition to repairs. Call (585) 442-9272 with your questions or visit the website for additional service information. 
