String instruments are finely crafted objects that require precise care and attention. Neglecting basic maintenance could impact the longevity and condition of the instrument. It is important to tend to it daily to ensure that it remains in good shape. It is also suggested that you bring it into your local luthier for routine maintainence checks. Here are some tips that can help.
A Guide to Musical Instrument Maintenance
1. Maintain the Strings
Generally, the E string should be replaced more frequently than the rest of the strings. Completely replace strings at least once a year, or more frequently depending on how often you play. Since dirt and sweat can impact the integrity of the strings, wash your hands before you play. Wipe the instrument down after you’re done playing.
2. Inspect for Openings
It’s not unusual to discover open seams on your musical instrument. They’re more likely to develop during wintertime, but you can take steps as temperatures drop to avoid damage. Make sure that the instrument is stored in a room with a 40% humidity level throughout the season. This will help prevent cracks that can devalue the instrument.
3. Rehair the Bow
Although the bow may appear fine at a glance, it’s important to rehair it at least twice a year assuming that you play for at least an hour a day. There are several visible signs that indicate it’s time for rehairing such as the hair is sparse, won’t tighten properly, appears too stretched, or doesn’t hold rosin effectively.
4. Check Vital Parts
The bridge plays an important role in supporting your instrument’s strings. Poor positioning or condition may impact everything from tone to your ability to play properly. Make sure it’s pushed back sufficiently so that it’s not at risk of warping or breaking. Also, make sure the strings have not dug into the notches, which may distort the curvature and minimize the tone, volume, and clarity of the tone. Have a professional assess its height, too. The pegs should be checked to ensure they’re well fitted, wind easily, and are properly lubricated.
If you want to purchase a new musical instrument or need help maintaining one, contact The String House in Rochester, NY. The family-owned string instrument store has served the community since 1970. The full-service shop carries an extensive range of quality violins and other string instruments. In addition to rentals, the company also offers a wide range of violin, viola, and cello accessories. Visit the website to find out more about them, or call (585) 442-9272 to speak with a member of their team.