When you have unwanted items at your home, scrap metal recycling is a great way to deal with them. In addition to putting a little extra cash in your pocket, metal recycling also limits your impact on the environment. While the recycling center you choose will handle all the work, many people have questions about the process. Here's what you can expect.
What Are the Different Stages of Metal Recycling?
1. Collecting
Scrap metal can come from numerous sources. While cars are common sources, materials can also be derived from construction equipment, machinery, bicycles, home fixtures, and many other areas. Most recycling centers require you to bring materials to the site, although many offer towing services for vehicles that no longer run.
2. Sorting
Upon receiving metals, the recycling facility will then sort items into different categories. Special equipment, including magnets, is often used to make the process more efficient. Common types of metals include copper, aluminum, zinc, and silver. Recyclers also accept ferrous metals, which combine iron and carbon.
3. Processing
Processing entails two separate steps. First, the metals will be compacted into blocks for easier handling. Next, they will be shredded down to a much smaller size to make them easier to melt.
4. Melting
Once shredded, metals are then melted down. Facilities must use different types of furnaces to accommodate the metals. Furnaces are also designed to be as energy efficient as possible to ensure responsible recycling.
5. Purifying
As metals are melted down, they're also purified by electrolysis. This entails providing a direct current to the metal, which causes a chemical reaction in the material. Once the purification process is complete, molten metals are poured into special molds and allowed to solidify.
Based in Goshen, OH, Phipps Auto Parts proudly offers its surrounding community many essential services. Their scrap metal recycling program is fast and efficient, and customers can always expect a fair price. If you have a vehicle you'd like to scrap, the team even offers a towing service to make your life a little easier. Visit them online to learn more about their recycling process, or call (513) 722-2034 to speak with a team member today.