
Have you ever wondered what separates ferrous and non-ferrous metal? Both are common types of scrap metal, but they are not the same.  Ferrous and non-ferrous materials are distinguished based on their physical properties, recycling capabilities, and common uses in everyday life. This guide will give you a clearer understanding of these two commonly confused categories.

Ferrous Metals

Ferrous metals contain iron as the main element in their composition, typically in the form of steel or cast iron.They are both heavier and harder than non-ferrous alternatives due to their higher iron content. When it comes to recycling, ferrous metals are ideal because they can be melted down and reused in a variety of applications with little effort. 

Though both types of material have uses in everyday life, ferrous metals are usually used for heavier applications, such as automotive manufacturing, construction projects, infrastructure projects, and more, due to their strength and cost effectiveness. These materials make great scrap metal, too.

Non-Ferrous Metals

Non-ferrous metals do not contain any iron but may include aluminum, copper, lead, zinc, brass, nickel alloys, tin alloys and titanium. These materials tend to be lighter than ferrous metals yet can be more durable. This is because they don't rust, due to the absence of iron, and often have a higher resistance to corrosion and wear.

However, non-ferrous materials require more specialized processing due to their unique compositions. For example, aluminum is often recycled using an electrolysis process which requires expensive machinery and specialized knowledge. These materials are mostly used in electrical components, such as copper wiring, or plumbing fixtures, like brass fittings. They're also popular in the production of jewelry or decorative objects due to their attractive luster. 


If you have scrap metal you need to get rid of, whether ferrous or non, Phipps Auto Parts can handle it for you. Operating out of Goshen, OH, this licensed recycling service offers fair prices, great service, and has a friendly team willing to help. They accept junk cars and other materials, too. Learn more about their offerings by visiting the website, and find out about their competitive pricing for scrap metal by calling (513) 722-2034.
