
Homeowners, businesses, warehouses, and manufacturers all make extra money by selling scrap metal and used auto parts. Salvage yards and scrap metal recycling centers acquire different types of metal for cash. If you’re new to recycling, here’s a brief guide to understanding common mistakes sellers sometimes make.

3 Common Scrap Metal Recycling Mistakes

1. Not Having Proper Identification

Although recycling newcomers may be unaware of it, the law requires sellers of scrap metal to have a license to prove they’re 18 or older. Forgetting your ID is a nuisance. Don’t forget yours if you have unwanted scrap cars or sheet iron to unload.

2. Not Sorting Metals

Scrap MetalDifferent types of metals have different values, so separate your scrap into groups. Grouped metals will be easier to sell and ensure you get the highest value for your haul.

Always group metals before going to the junkyard to avoid taking up too much of a recycler’s time.

3. Not Preparing Your Scrap

Scrap metal doesn’t have to be in pristine condition to be sold, but most scrap yard buyers require that you drain fluids from engines and appliances. You should also remove protective plastics from metals and strip copper wires of their rubber seals. Proper preparation not only makes the transaction go more smoothly but also nets you more money. If the buyer and scrap metal recycler have less work to do, you’ll reap the rewards.


If you have scrap metal to sell or recycle, take it to the experts at Phipps Auto Parts in Goshen, OH. As a licensed recycling services center, they specialize in salvaging junk cars. They also recycle nonferrous metals and will give you a fair price for the scrap and parts you bring in. To find out current recycling rates, call (513) 722-2034, or learn more about their services online.