
From small commercial buildings to large business complexes, building automation is a major focus of modern technology. Complete autonomous control over a single building or multipurpose campus provides increased security, productivity, comfort, and energy efficiency, all while reducing maintenance costs. If you have a commercial, institutional, or industrial building, you may be curious about how automation works. Here's a brief look.

How Does Building Automation Work?

A building automation and control system (BMS) enables centralized monitoring, controlling, and recording of a range of building functions. Facilities with a reliable BMS System tend to maintain their interior environments more efficiently and reduce environmental impact and energy expenses

building automation

The basic functions of a BMS system involve controlling a building's environment, operating systems based on occupancy and energy demands, correcting the performance of connected systems, and sending alerts and reports as needed. These are performed by sensors, controllers, and output devices equipped with a communications protocol. Data is generally supplied to an on-site manager or an external third party via a dashboard interface.

What Devices Are Automated?

Controllers are computers with input and output. The input enables the computer to gauge temperature, humidity, pressure, electrical current flow, airflow, and many other factors regarding automated equipment. Examples of devices typically connected via the BMS include air handlers and other HVAC units, chilled and hot water systems, plumbing, security and surveillance, lighting control, electrical systems, alarms, and elevators. 

These technological innovations enable a level of resource management that can make a significant difference for modern companies. Energy savings and conservation have become key in a time of budget cuts and governmental regulations. Providing a building or buildings with fully autonomous control over operational systems makes finding the balance between cost savings and comfort possible.


If you're looking to provide your commercial building with an automation system that will make operations more efficient, turn to the experts at Control Services Inc. Since 1974, this company has been on the cutting edge of commercial HVAC and utility management in Nebraska, Western Iowa, and Southern South Dakota, and their team will design a building automation and control system that provides you with the level of control you need. Call the Omaha office at (402) 339-4344 to schedule a consultation or visit the website to learn more about these services.
