
If you're looking for an assisted living community for an elderly loved one, it's important to find a facility that offers ample opportunity for socialization. Isolation is a problem for older individuals. In addition to increased likelihood of depression and anxiety, isolation has been linked to high blood pressure, heart disease, cognitive issues, and compromised immune systems, but socialization is one solution to senior isolation. Below, discover some health benefits of socialization for older folks.

Health Benefits of Socializing for Seniors

1. Improved Mental Health

Strong social bonds strengthen a senior's mental and emotional well-being. A senior will enjoy a greater sense of support and community with their peers, helping them stave off loneliness and find purpose and pleasure among others who share their interests. Studies have shown that in-person socializing is more mentally beneficial for seniors than phone calls, emails, or texts, with study participants reporting significantly fewer instances of long-term depression when they met face to face with others at least three times a week.

2. Better Physical Health

assisted livingIn many assisted living facilities, socialization involves physical activity, such as low-impact exercise classes, group walks, and organized outings. These activities come with several physical health benefits, like fewer instances of disability and preservation of mobility and independence. Also, group exercise has an intrinsic accountability factor, which helps people better support one another in meeting their exercise goals.

3. Maintain Cognitive Abilities

Memory issues, dementia, and Alzheimer's are concerns for many seniors, but social contact is one possible way to minimize the risk of developing these problems. An atmosphere like an assisted living community provides built-in ways for seniors to enjoy one another's company and identify common interests, keeping their minds active and engaged. One study concluded that the rate of cognitive decline is an astounding 70 percent less among seniors who have regular social contact compared to those who don't.


The senior in your life can enjoy all of these socialization benefits in the right assisted living environment. Speltz Estates Assisted Living in Lewiston, MN, has been serving the area’s seniors since 1990. Their assisted living facilities offer compassionate elderly care in a safe, secure, and supportive home-like setting. Call (507) 523-2252 or visit them online to schedule a tour.
