
New windows are a significant investment, so you’ll want to make sure they stay in optimal condition for as long as possible. While modern models are extremely durable, there are steps you can take to prolong their life span. From regular window cleaning to making necessary repairs, here are some maintenance tips to make your purchase last longer.

How to Take Care of Your Windows

1. Open & Close Carefully

Your windows should open and close with ease when you first install them, but they won’t remain that way if you mishandle them. Dramatically opening or slamming your windows can damage the frames and tracks, while overtightening the locks can cause them to snap. Operate them carefully to avoid unnecessary repairs.

2. Clean Regularly

window cleaningWindow cleaning isn’t just important for aesthetic appeal. Cleaning the glass, frame, casing, and tracks on a regular basis reduces the dirt, dust, and debris buildup that can make it harder to open and close the window. It also prevents the glass from staining and requiring a premature replacement.

3. Repair Issues Quickly

Sealing your windows ensures the air inside your home doesn’t escape. This is especially important during the winter months when you’re using more heat.

If you notice you’re using more energy to warm up your home or see excess condensation on the panes, it may need new weatherstripping or caulking. If the window experiences rotting, warping, breakage, or other signs of damage, get in touch with repair professionals.


Maintain your window’s appearance with the help of Squeeky Clean Window Washing in Bethesda, MD. They serve Montgomery County, Northwestern DC, and Northern Virginia with the latest innovations and equipment to wash the exterior of homes, including windows, skylights, siding, and roofing. Call (301) 424-4020 to schedule a window cleaning, or visit their website to request a free quote.
