
Slip and fall accidents can cause surprisingly serious injuries, including broken bones or concussions. In retail settings, there's a high potential for this type of personal injury, as wet restroom floors, fallen debris in aisles, and teetering displays can all contribute to accidents. If you recently experienced a slip and fall in one of these settings, learn more about how to proceed below.

Who Is Liable?

Determining whether you have a personal injury case begins by evaluating liability. Legally, retail store owners must maintain safe property conditions. However, this doesn't mean the owners are responsible for all slip and fall accidents.

slip and fallGenerally, a store will be liable if it created unsafe conditions or if unsafe conditions were present and the store failed to address them. For example, slipping on a spill that occurred right before your fall likely won't be viewed as a result of negligence. On the other hand, a spill that was present for an hour should've been cleaned by then. Additionally, customers have the responsibility to protect themselves from apparent hazards, so crashing into a large store display is typically not a liability issue.

What Should You Do?

Following a slip and fall accident, you should first seek appropriate medical care. Also, thoroughly document what happened by taking pictures of where the incident took place. If possible, collect information from other nearby witnesses or store employees, as this information will make it easier to establish whether you have a legitimate case.


Whether you’ve experienced a slip and fall or other injuries resulting from someone’s negligence, contact Bellotti Law Group, P.C. Serving the Boston Metro area since 1989, this top-rated firm provides open communication and compassionate representation to ensure a quality outcome for your case. To learn more about their practice areas or to request a consultation, visit them online or call (617) 778-1000.
