
Losing a friend or family member may be difficult, confusing, painful, or some combination of all three. When someone you love enters a period of mourning, there are several ways you can help them cope with the loss. Before and after the memorial service, here are a handful of tips on how to support your grieving friends and family members.

4 Ways to Help Loved Ones Cope With Grief

1. Be a Good Listener

Allow your grieving friends or family members to talk as much as they wish about their departed loved one. Don’t feel like you need to have the perfect response prepared. Simply keep all lines of communication open, listen intently, and take an active interest in what your loved one is saying.

2. Choose the Right Words

memorial serviceWhen it’s appropriate for you to speak, select your words carefully. Think about how you’d feel in a similar position, and what would be comforting for you to hear. Something as simple as, “I’m so sorry,” or, “I’m here for you,” might go a long way toward providing comfort before, during, and after a memorial service. 

3. Share Memories

It’s perfectly acceptable to ask your grieving loved one if they’d like to share memories about the deceased. Looking at old photos and talking about the good times may help to lift the burden of loss. If you also knew the deceased and have photos or stories, feel free to share them. 

4. Check in Later

Many people who are grieving usually get quite a bit of support at the time of the memorial service. However, you should make a point to check in on them in the weeks and months thereafter so that they don’t feel lonely or abandoned. Call them during holidays, when they may feel sad, or during their loved one’s birthday or anniversary to show your support. 



When the time comes for you to plan a memorial service, get in touch with Leo M. Bean and Sons Funeral Home. For over 40 years, these funeral directors have provided traditional memorials and cremations to the Rochester, NY, area. Call (585) 426-7830 to ask about funeral costs and discuss the details of a service. Visit them online to learn more about pre-planning and burial offerings. 
