
Having a self storage space can be handy, whether it's for keeping valuable heirlooms or storing furniture when you're staging a house for sale. But like any space, storage units can naturally harbor dust, especially when it's visited often. To protect your items from natural dust particles and keep them clean year-round, consult the guide below for helpful tips.

How to Keep Your Self Storage Space Dust-Free

1. Clean Regularly

self storage space

When you walk into the unit, you will inadvertently track dust inside the space. Combat buildup by dusting items regularly. Use a feather duster for glass, porcelain, or ceramic items, and wipe down upholstery with a microfiber cloth. Additionally, buy a broom to keep in the unit for quick sweeping. These steps will keep the space neat and tidy, and in turn, keep belongings dust-free.

2. Cover & Store Items

Use sheets to cover large items, such as a sofa or cabinet. For smaller possessions, store them in plastic bins with lids to keep the dust out. These steps make it easier to maintain a dust-free space. The sheets can be washed or shaken to remove buildup and the plastic bins can be wiped. 

3. Air Out the Unit 

During the summertime, allergens and dust can enter the unit through the HVAC system or naturally through the small opening between the bottom of the door and the floor. When cleaning the unit, leave the door open to circulate fresh air inside the space. This fresh air will remove dusty smells, which will prevent fabrics or furniture from absorbing them. Additionally, this circulation will remove any lingering particles from the cleaning chemicals you use to promote better indoor air quality. 


For safe, clean, and reliable self storage spaces, trust the team at Paradise Self Storage in Kahului, HI. Their excellent facility makes it easy to keep your valuables safe and your home clutter-free. Whether you only need to store one room's worth of belongings or an entire garage-full of items, these professionals have an array of spaces to choose from. Visit them online to browse their pricing and sizes and call (808) 877-7783 to learn more.
