
A child-free couple might assume that they don't need a comprehensive estate plan since they do not have any direct heirs. However, in reality, estate planning is just as important for childless couples as it is for couples with kids, ensuring that your assets are distributed in the ways you intend. As a result, you are better able to design the legacy you leave. Here are a few planning tips to get started.

An Estate Planning Guide for Child-Free Couples

1. Write a Will

A will is the cornerstone of a solid plan, but it is especially important for each partner of a childless couple to write their own. Without a will and any direct heirs, the probate courts will determine where your assets go after your death. What they decide may not be what you would want. In the will, you should include all your major assets and who should inherit each. Many child-free individuals leave their property to partners, siblings, nieces, nephews, or favorite charities.

2. Appoint a Power of Attorney

estate planning

If both partners in a child-free union become incapacitated due to illness or injury, they have no children to step in and make important decisions about life-prolonging and end-of-life medical care. A health care power of attorney (POA) can prevent this, giving you a way to appoint someone you trust to make medical decisions if the need arises. You should also consider a durable POA, which grants someone of your choosing the ability to manage your legal and financial affairs in the event of incapacitation. For these roles, select someone trustworthy and capable, and discuss your plans and wishes with them now, so they can make the best decisions should the need present itself.

3. Revisit Your Beneficiaries Regularly

Children are typically permanent fixtures in their parents' lives. When you don't have children, people may come and go from your life with greater regularity. You want to make sure that all beneficiary designations are up to date and reflect your current relationships. This way, you can remember the people who are most important to you.


An attorney will guide you through the estate planning process and offer solutions for the unique issues that childless couples face. David R. Webb, Attorney at Law, has more than 30 years of legal experience and serves the Lincoln, NE, area. Attorney Webb offers comprehensive representation in estate and probate cases. Call (402) 477-7577 to schedule a consultation or visit his firm's website to explore his services in more detail.
