
Whether you’ve spotted some telltale droppings or came face-to-face with a mouse, a rodent infestation is the last thing any homeowner wants to deal with. Fortunately, a pest control professional can help you get rid of an infestation and prevent future visitors.

As a homeowner, here’s what you can expect from pest control:

Rodent-Proof Your Home

Rodents are crafty creatures that tend to explore their territories. Mice can even fit through openings as small as a quarter-inch! When you’re dealing with an infestation, seal easy points of entry. Look for cracks in your home’s foundation and walls, and seal openings around utility pipes, vents, broken windows, door frames, and roofs.

However, you’ll need to pull out the heavy guns — like steel wool and caulk — to seal these entry points. Mice can chew through rubber, wood, and plastic, so these materials are weak pest control sealants.

Even if you keep a clean home, you’ll need to get rid of crumbs and open containers to avoid feeding rodents. Store loose food in airtight containers or glass jars, and remove crumbs from your counters, pantry, and floors.

Set Pest Control Traps

pest-controlWhether you set a classic wooden mouse trap or live traps, keep in mind that most homeowners underestimate how many traps they need. Because rodents explore widely, you may need to set several traps for one mouse.

For the best results, leave the best bait. Mice prefer cereals and oats, but they also seek foods that are protein-rich and high in fat — like nuts and bacon. Replace the bait every two days.


For effective pest control, trust the professionals at All Service. Located in New Braunfels, TX, All Service is your one-stop-shop for your home improvement needs from pest removal to chimney cleaning! Contact them today at (830) 626-2847 or visit their website to schedule an appointment.
