
Termites are known for their destructive eating habits. They can cause major damage to the wooden posts within your home or business. However, some stages of these insects' life are more dangerous than others. Below, Danny's Termite Control, a termite control company in Lancaster, KY, highlight why flying termites are a sign of serious trouble.

Flying Termites Are Looking to Reproduce

termite controlOne of the main reasons you should act upon flying termites is their risk of reproduction. When you see wings, this is a sure sign that they are looking to begin a new and expanded colony. They do this by swarming. Matured termites will have fully developed wings. When this happens, they will leave their nest in search of a mate. Their physical ability to fly, then, does not endanger your home directly. In this season, they are not looking to feed. However, their wings are a direct indicator of reproduction. As such, when you notice their flight, you can expect the number of termites near your home to grow exponentially. For example, the queen termite can lay up to 30,000 eggs per day. If this happens, hundreds of thousands of new termites will be looking for food, meaning your home is at greater risk for damage. Always call an exterminator if you notice two insects connecting midair before dropping to the ground.

How to Prevent Flying Termites

The most common season for termites to reproduce is during the spring and summer months. The warm, humid environment is the perfect time for insects to emerge from their nests. Start your preventative measures, then, during these months. Do your best to keep wooden products away from your home. This includes stacks of firewood and mulch. Any wooden aspects of your home should be well-kept. This includes making repairs to floorboards, fascias, and siding as needed. Lastly, because they thrive in humid environments, prevent water accumulation. Growing colonies will be looking for ideal environments to expand their family. By keeping your home well-kept, you reduce the chance of an infestation. 

Flying termites are a threat to your entire home. Therefore, you should call a termite control professional once they’re spotted. Those in Lancaster, KY, trust Danny's Termite Control for their needs. With years of experience, their staff will tackle any job. Whether you’re a resident or business owner, they can help restore your home. For more information on this termite control company, visit their website or call (859) 792-1245 today.
