
If you have rosacea, you might’ve tried several green-tinted concealers and moisturizers to minimize skin redness. If cosmetics don’t show significant results, consider intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy. Offered by some medical spas, this treatment dulls the appearance of red patches. Here’s more information about how this innovation in the dermatology industry can help with your rosacea.

How Does IPL Therapy Treat Rosacea?

If you have rosacea, your cheeks, nose, and neck may often appear red and irritated. This skin condition is often aggravated by changes in temperature, exercise, emotional spikes, and alcohol consumption.

medical spaIPL treatments eliminate 50% to 75% of the dilated blood vessels that cause redness. Once the veins have been treated, they don’t reemerge. With this solution, you don’t have to apply any special moisturizers, color correctors, or serums to see results. 

How Does IPL Treatment Work?

During IPL therapy, professionals use specialized devices that emit flashes of light in multiple wavelengths, heating up and constricting blood vessels underneath the skin. These vessels are responsible for the red and brown splotches that can make your skin tone look uneven. 

Before the treatment begins, your doctor will give you safety goggles and a cooling gel. During the treatment, you might feel pressure that resembles a rubber band snapping against your skin. Each session lasts around 10 minutes, and you may notice effects within a few days.

Your medical spa might recommend three to five sessions distributed over the course of a few weeks to even out the tone of your face, neck, and chest. Since the IPL device only targets damaged vessels, you can resume all normal activities after each session without a required recovery period.


If you’re looking for a trusted medical spa that offers IPL treatments, turn to Emerald City Medical Arts. Based in Seattle, WA, their team offers skin texture and discoloration solutions to residents of the surrounding areas. Their trained staff will assess your skin type to determine the best course of treatment for your unique needs. Visit their website to learn more about color correction, or call (206) 281-1616 to schedule a consultation. 
