
With their propensity for extracting blood and spreading disease, it's understandable that you don't want mosquitoes around your property. The question is how to know when you need professional mosquito control. If you're not sure whether you're dealing with a few isolated insects or an entire infestation, read on to learn the clues.

4 Signs You Need Mosquito Control

1. Frequent Bites

Mosquito bites are known for causing swelling and itching. They're particularly severe while you're trying to sleep at night, which is when your anti-inflammatory cortisone levels are lower. It's unpleasant but normal to get one or two of those bites every few weeks or so. 

If you're getting bitten several times a week or even every day, it's likely that mosquitoes have made their home nearby, so you're regularly in contact with them. Calling an exterminator will spare your blood and skin from their bites.

2. Constant Buzzing

mosquito control

When mosquitoes fly, their wings make a high-pitched buzzing sound. You may notice it on occasion while you're outside. However, an infestation would produce that buzzing sound constantly around your home, and it would be louder than usual due to the number of insects. If you can't seem to escape the noise, you need mosquito control.

3. Food Attracts

One of the reasons why it's important to put food away is that leftovers tend to draw all kinds of pests toward your home. This is true of mosquitoes as well. 

If mosquitoes are infesting your home, you'll be unable to leave out food for long periods of time without seeing them hovering around it. They especially love sweet fruit, meaning that you can't set out a fruit bowl in your kitchen unless you want to attract them. Pest control is the best way to protect your food.

4. Excess Moisture

Even if you don't notice these other signs of an infestation, mosquitoes could still be gathering secretly nearby. They thrive in moisture, so they're likely to build their nests on your property during times of high humidity. 

Your home will also be more attractive to them if you're close to standing water, including puddles, pools, rivers, lakes, and even buckets, pots, tires, or tarps filled with rainwater. Female mosquitoes lay their eggs in these areas. 

Consider scheduling mosquito control preemptively if you're experiencing high humidity levels and/or live near standing water that you can't simply drain away.

Anytime you need reliable mosquito control, contact Guardian Exterminating Co in Waynesburg, KY. With their dedication to thorough residential and commercial pest control services, they'll remove not only your current infestation but any others that they find while on your property. To further earn your trust and promise the highest quality service possible, their entire staff is certified by the Kentucky Department of Agriculture. Schedule a consultation by calling (606) 365-7538 or messaging them online.
