
Gum disease is a severe tissue infection that leads to tooth loss and jawbone deterioration. It develops from poor dental care habits, and when untreated, it can affect other aspects of your health. Understanding this disease is the first step in prevention. The following is a helpful guide to use between trips to the dentist.

How Gum Disease Impacts Your Health

Bleeding is a common symptom of gum disease, and it’s thought that bacteria enter the bloodstream through open wounds in the mouth. Research has revealed that these bacteria cause inflammation in the body. In response, your body increases blood sugar levels. Over a long enough period, patients may develop type 2 diabetes, a condition where the body doesn’t properly use insulin, a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels. This reaction is also why gum disease is so prevalent among patients who already have diabetes.

These same bacteria cause inflammation events that narrow arteries and create blockages in others. Reduced blood flow to the heart can result in a life-threatening heart attack. Reduced oxygen and nutrient levels in the blood can also lead to complete heart failure.

Pregnant women face a higher risk of gum disease. An increase in the progesterone hormone makes women more susceptible to plaque formation on the gums. This sticky film builds up along the gum line and becomes gingivitis—the precursor to gum disease. As plaque collects below the gums and breaks down tissue, it progresses to gum disease.

Gum disease has been shown to cause premature birth and low birth weight. Pre-term birth can then cause developmental problems, respiratory issues, and vision and hearing loss in babies.

How to Prevent Gum Disease

Luckily, gum disease is easy to prevent. Brush and floss twice a day to remove plaque from the gum line and between teeth. See your dentist twice a year for professional cleaning. These dental cleanings remove plaque from hard-to-reach areas, as well as hardened plaque, called tartar. Using a therapeutic mouthwash eliminates decay-causing bacteria that contribute to plaque growth.


If you’re due for a trip to the dentist, schedule an appointment with Daniel M Hamrick DDS. This China Grove, NC, dentist welcomes patients of all ages. Dr. Hamrick offers a wide scope of services, including preventive and cosmetic dentistry solutions. Start exploring teeth whitening, bridges, and dental crowns on his website, or call (704) 857-7497 to schedule a cleaning.
