
When your child reaches young adulthood, they may be thinking about what comes after high school, whether they’re going to college or taking a gap year to travel. But as a parent, you also need to think about their health at this time, including their wisdom teeth. The third set of molars tends to emerge between the ages of 17 and 21 and often causes oral health problems. Here’s what you should know about spotting wisdom teeth coming in and what a dentist can do to help your child.

Signs of Wisdom Teeth Emerging

As the last molars start to come out, your child’s gums may become tender and swollen in the area. They may not be able to open their mouth wide because of jaw pain, which can sometimes radiate to the eyes and ears. When the teeth have broken through the gumline, you’ll see white specks at the back of your child’s mouth. 

Should They Be Removed? 


If wisdom teeth come out straight and upright without affecting the rest of the teeth, they don’t need to be extracted. Some people don’t grow them at all.

However, most people’s jaws are too small to accommodate a third set of molars, so their emergence leads to overcrowding and teeth shifting. The molars may come out crooked or sideways. Sometimes, they don’t have enough room to surface and become impacted. Both outcomes result in a higher risk of tooth decay and gum disease, as oral bacteria collect in the crevices and gumline and are difficult to clean out with brushing and flossing. In these cases, a dentist will likely recommend wisdom teeth extraction.

Even if your child experiences no symptoms, a dentist can use an X-ray to check whether their wisdom teeth are coming in. Removing these teeth is easier when done early and they have shallower roots, so it’s best to have your child examined when they’re 16 or older.


If your child’s wisdom teeth are emerging, bring them to Daniel M. Hamrick, DDS, in China Grove, NC. This dentist and his team run a full-service clinic for the whole family, providing everything from X-rays and sealants to extractions and emergency dental care. Call (704) 857-7497 to make an appointment, or visit their website to learn more about their services.
