
When you apply eye shadow, eyeliner, and mascara, the safety of your eyes is probably the last thing on your mind. However, even a speck of makeup could cause significant irritation and cause a variety of symptoms that affect your comfort and vision. As part of your general eye care routine, it’s helpful to take steps to protect them while wearing makeup. 

How to Protect Your Eyes When Wearing Makeup

1. Avoid Old Makeup

Even if your makeup looks like it’s in good condition, it’s best not to take any chances where your eyes are concerned. Aim to toss your mascara every four to six months or when it starts to smell different or develops clumps. Eyeliner is safe to use for a year, but throw it away at the first sign of oily film or a whitish cast. Powder eye shadows can last for about two years and should be disposed of if they crumble prematurely. Additionally, replace your cream shadows every year since they can thicken and develop harsh odors.

2. Protect Their Integrity

eye care

While your eye makeup is safe to use, take extra measures to prevent it from bacterial exposure, which can lead to styes and infection. Close the mascara wand tightly after every use, and don’t pump the wand in and out the tube. Liquid eyeliner is difficult to safeguard since it’s frequently exposed to bacteria when you apply it to your eyes. However, you can sharpen pencil liners regularly to keep them fresh and free of germs. Keep eye shadow safe by closing the container tightly and storing it away from sunlight and humidity. 

3. Apply Makeup Carefully

Many people apply eyeliner to the waterline—or the inner lash line. However, that can be detrimental since it may block your oil glands. which keep your eyes moist and healthy. Blocked glands could lead to dry eye and infection, so it’s best to apply makeup to your eyelids only. 

4. Remove Eye Makeup

As part of your eye care routine, make a habit of removing your makeup before bed each night. Otherwise, it could seep into your eyes if you rub them or while you sleep, leading to uncomfortable irritation and potential infection. Use an oil-free eye makeup remover on a cotton pad to gently sweep the color from your eyes.


If you’re concerned that your eye makeup has irritated your eyes, turn to Blue Earth Valley Eye Clinic in Minnesota. These professionals offer a range of eye care services to ensure your healthy vision, including general exams and tests for glaucoma and cataracts. Visit the website to learn more about how they can help you, or call (507) 526-2222 to schedule an appointment.
