
If you are the proud new owner of a home that uses propane, this efficient fuel can power everything from your water heater to stove and fireplace. As you settle into the property, understanding when to schedule propane gas delivery and how to handle this service will ensure your home never runs out of gas. Below are answers to several common questions that homeowners have.

What You Should Know About Propane Gas Delivery

How long does my propane tank last?

With proper maintenance, the metal tank can last for many years. This means that you should schedule an inspection every few years and request recertification every 10 years to ensure it is safe for use. If you notice dents or rust on the exterior, or a hissing noise coming from any of the valves, have a professional inspect the tank immediately. These issues can compromise the integrity of the tank and contribute to leaks.

What factors affect the frequency of delivery?

propane gas delivery

The number of appliances you have, current season, size of the home, and size of the tank affect how often you need delivery. For example, if you only use the gas to run the water heater, and you have a small family, you can go a long time between refills. Alternatively, if you are using it to run a furnace for a large home in winter, you will need propane gas delivery often. Generally, furnaces consume 2 gallons of fuel per hour, while tankless water heaters use under 2 gallons a day.

How can I see how much I have left? 

There is a gauge on the tank that indicates how full it is, in percentages. Since propane needs space to evaporate into usable gas, most tanks should never be above 80%. This means that when the gauge drops to 40%, the tank is half-full. If the gauge gets to 20%, you are running low and should schedule a refill. However, this can be difficult to determine if the tank is underground. Instead, ask the previous owner about how often they needed to fill it and when the last refill was to give you an idea.

What are the benefits of a regular delivery schedule?

Scheduling regular deliveries can prevent you from running out of fuel if you forget to call ahead of time. This also ensures you can plan for the delivery, whereas calling at the last minute can result in delays or extra fees for emergency refills. A recurring schedule also gives technicians the chance to inspect the tank for abnormalities.


If you need propane gas delivery to refill your home's tank, contact Martindale Guadalupe Gas Company in Caldwell County, TX. They have over 70 years of experience helping residents and businesses with their propane needs. They handle everything from delivering fuel to installing new gas lines and selling tanks. Visit them online for more information about their services. Call (512) 357-6497 for a free estimate.
