
Fluid leaking from your car is often the first sign of trouble. As such, identifying the substance and scheduling an auto repair appointment with a trusted mechanic is the best way to save money, protect your vehicle, and ensure safety on the road. Here’s a rundown on what fluids are most likely to leak, so you know when it’s time to prioritize auto maintenance. 

3 Fluids That Leak From Cars & How to Tackle Auto Repairs

1. Coolant

Coolant, or antifreeze, is combined with water to prevent your radiator from overheating on hot days or freezing during winter. This fluid circulates throughout your vehicle’s systems to prevent the need for frequent refilling. When there’s a leak in your coolant reservoir, you’ll notice yellow fluid dripping or puddling under your car when it’s parked. Top off coolant levels and visit your auto repair shop to reduce the risk of overheating your engine when you drive. 

2. Oil

Auto repairOil plays the critical role of lubricating components within the engine to prevent wear. Black or brown fluids pooling under your car likely indicate damage to your oil filter, head gasket, timing cover, or oil plug, Take your car in for an oil change and let your mechanic know about the leak so they can help locate the source and repair it. 

3. Brake Fluid

When you see slick, brown fluid leaking under your wheels, odds are you have brake fluid issues. Without sufficient brake fluid, you may not be able to stop as needed, and your brakes will feel sponge-like when you apply pressure. In this scenario, call for a tow and get your vehicle safely to the mechanic so they can replenish reserves and fix the reservoir if needed. 


If you notice fluids leaking from your car, head straight to The Shop Auto Service for comprehensive and affordable auto repairs. With a convenient location in the heart of Cincinnati, OH, drivers throughout Hamilton County have trusted this team of experienced mechanics since 1970. To schedule an inspection or oil change, call today at (513) 861-4445. For more information on their auto maintenance services and commitment to establishing honest, long-term relationships with customers, visit their website.
