
If you’re a couple dealing with infertility, understanding when ovulation occurs is crucial in conception and detecting any potential issues. Ovulation describes the part of your menstrual cycle when an egg is released from an ovary and travels down the fallopian tube where it can become fertilized by a sperm. To ensure you are trying to conceive at the right phase of your cycle, consider these three signs you are ovulating.

The Top Indicators of Ovulation

1. Measure Basal Body Temperature

The basal body temperature is measured when you are at rest. Because this number can vary throughout your menstrual cycle, as well as with activities and diet, it’s important to monitor your specific temperature.

Every morning, at the same time and before you go to the bathroom, take your temperature orally and jot down the number or track it using an app on your phone. Temperatures typically drop before ovulation and increase after, allowing you to plot what days you are most fertile.

2. A Positive Ovulation Predictor Test 

infertilitySimilar to pregnancy tests, drug stores also offer ovulation predictor kits to better estimate when you are most fertile. You urinate on a stick or into a cup with a test strip and wait for the results.

If you are ovulating, the results will show two pink lines, with the test or control line being a darker hue. While this is a popular method of measuring ovulation, the results can be skewed if you have a condition like polycystic ovarian syndrome or diagnosed infertility.  

3. Changes in Cervical Mucus

Another common indicator that you are ovulating is a change in the texture or amount of your cervical mucus. When you are not in the fertile part of your cycle, cervical mucus is typically thicker and stickier. As ovulation occurs, this mucus thins out and adopts a consistency similar to an egg white. This thinning out helps the sperm reach the egg.


Whether you’re dealing with infertility or just beginning the process, individuals in Honolulu trust the doctors at IVF HAWAII  for all their conception needs. With a compassionate team in place to help you navigate your options, this center provides a range of conception services, from diagnosis to in-vitro fertilization. To learn more about ovulation, visit them online or call (808) 538-6655.
