
Plumbing problems can range from minor leaks to broken pipes, causing homes to lose gallons of water in a matter of hours. If you're a plumber, you can usually fix most issues with new plumbing fixtures and a few basic tools. The following guide explains some common concerns.

What Are Some Standard Plumbing Issues?

1. Leaking Plumbing Fixtures

Leaks from sinks, taps, and bathtubs may not seem concerning, but they can cause homes to lose water. This issue usually occurs due to worn-out gaskets, which get dry and brittle as they age. Taking the faucet apart and replacing the gaskets will often correct the issue, but replacing the entire plumbing fixture is usually a faster, more cost-effective approach.

2. Slow Drains

plumbing fixtures

Grease, hair, and food particles can accumulate in the pipes, causing the drains to slow down or back up entirely. If the issue is affecting one drain, you may be able to clear it out with a snake. However, if every drain in the house is slow, there may be an issue with the sewer line. In this case, you would need to clear out the obstruction with cameras and specialized equipment.

3. Low Water Pressure

Low water pressure can make it difficult to fill the bathtub or wash dishes. If one faucet is slow while the rest of the house is fine, minerals might be clogging the plumbing fixture. In extreme cases, you may be required to replace the pipes. However, you must also ensure you have the proper pipe wrench and pliers to complete the job. 


If your house has plumbing issues, turn to Carhart Feed & Seed Co. for repair supplies and parts. For over 25 years, they’ve supplied a range of tools and plumbing fixtures to homes and businesses throughout Dove Creek, CO. Their staff will take the time to help you find what you need. Follow their Facebook for updates and news, or call (970) 677-2233 to learn more about the items they have in stock. 
