3 Best Kinds of Chickens to Raise
There are many ways for your household to become more self-sufficient. Among them is raising your own chickens, a practice that offers many different benefits. You’ll have a supply of fresh eggs at the ready, excellent instant fertilizer courtesy of chicken manure, and engaging animals that are simply fun to watch. This is all in exchange for giving them room to grow and some animal feed. If you’re thinking of keeping your own flock, consider the following types.
What Kinds of Chickens Should You Raise?
1. ISA Brown
ISA Brown chickens are popular for their impressive laying abilities. They’re capable of producing up to 500 eggs every year, and they tolerate different environmental conditions well.
More than just ideal for egg production, this bird is also an attractive addition to your yard. The mid-sized, light brown body features a gently curved back and an upright tail. When looking for animal feed, provide them with a product rich in protein and calcium so that they can continue to lay with success.
2. Orpington
Large, soft, and eye-catching, the Orpington chicken is recognizable for its thick plumes. Dating from the late 19th century, the social and friendly Orpington offers a matronly and elegant appearance that complements your flock beautifully. Its hefty coat makes it a winter-friendly chicken that thrives as temperatures drop.
It’s also an excellent egg producer, and will reliably generate up to 180 eggs every year. Standard laying feed will keep them healthy.
3. Barnevelder
Another winner in the laying department is the Barnevelder chicken. It’s capable of producing up to 200 eggs every year—but what makes them notable is their rich mahogany hue. Barnevelders are notoriously relaxed birds that don’t spend too much time running around the yard, so you can rest assured that they’ll integrate well with other chickens nestled in your coop. Standard animal feed with calcium should suffice.
Are you ready to raise your own flock of chickens? You’ll find no greater joy—and no better place to find the necessary farm supplies than Carhart Feed & Seed Co. Based in Dove Creek, CO, they offer an excellent stock of everything that you need to raise healthy animals, including seeds and animal feed. Visit them on Facebook to stay informed of their latest news, or call (970) 677-2233 to speak with a representative.