
After a long day, the last thing you expect is that your car keys won’t open the vehicle door. There often doesn't seem to be a noticeable reason why this would happen, which makes the lockout all the more frustrating. However, the culprit is usually something simple. Here's a look at several common key problems motorists deal with and when an emergency locksmith is needed to regain access to a vehicle.

Why Your Keys Won’t Unlock Your Car

1. Damaged Keys

When you push your key into a lock, its teeth align a series of cylinders inside. When in the right position, these allow you to turn the key and deactivate the lock. If anything about the key is off, it won’t align the tumblers correctly, resulting in a lockout. 

If a key is having trouble, check for debris on it. If it’s clean, see if the key was accidentally bent or worn down in one area. If so, you’ll probably need an emergency locksmith to create a new key, even if the damage is subtle.

2. Broken Lock

If the door lock has been damaged, the key won’t align with the tumblers inside, leading to a lockout. There’s a chance an adjacent driver banged their door into it earlier in the day, or you may be the victim of vandalism or a break-in attempt. 

emergency locksmith

The first step is to see if there’s anything stuck in the lock. When you insert the key, note if you’re able to turn it. If you can, but the door doesn’t unlock, it’s likely a problem with the internal lock assembly. An emergency locksmith can manually pick the lock so that you’re able to drive to a repair shop to have the lock replaced.

3. Dead Key Fob

Many newer vehicles rely on a key fob with unlock, lock, and remote start buttons. Some don’t include exterior locks to enter the vehicle, so a damaged or dead key fob means a lockout. 

The solution might be as simple as new batteries, which a locksmith can easily provide. In other cases, the key fob may be damaged from being dropped or stepped on, and you’ll need a professional to replace it.


Turn to the team at AAL Lock & Key Inc. if you’re locked out of your vehicle. For nearly 20 years, they’ve assisted motorists in Poplar Tent, NC, and all of Cabarrus County by providing 24/7 lockout services. This emergency locksmith strives to respond quickly, and each team member is licensed, bonded, and insured. Visit their website to explore all their services, including several auto repairs if your vehicle was broken into. Call (704) 458-7097 today to speak with a team member and get someone to your vehicle quickly.
