
Communication is necessary to build and maintain thriving relationships, whether they be personal, professional, or service-based. When speaking with someone hard of hearing, it can be easy to become frustrated when you aren't heard after several attempts. It's crucial to know how to effectively communicate with those using hearing devices or experiencing hearing loss. 


Face them while speaking.

Establish eye contact before beginning a verbal exchange. This lets them know you are about to speak. Your proximity and the ability to read your lips can help decipher what you want to say, making it a much more effortless experience. When you start a conversation from another room or when there are sound disturbances, like major crowds, it can make it significantly more challenging for someone with hearing loss to communicate with you. 

Rephrase as needed.

hearing device

It's possible there's a word or two that an individual with a hearing device isn't catching. If you rephrase your words, it may make it easier to understand your message. This can also decrease any frustration the speaker may develop when repeating the same sentence two or three times. 


Speak Unnaturally.

When someone doesn't hear what you said, you may feel tempted to shout the statement. However, increasing the volume doesn't only neglect to provide additional context, but it can also translate as anger and frustration to the listener. 

In the same vein, speaking too slowly can come across as demeaning and patronizing for someone hard of hearing. While it's important to enunciate, speaking at an exaggeratedly slow pace is unnecessary and unhelpful. 

Do all the talking.

Those with hearing loss have to work much harder to actively participate in communication. Listening can be especially exhausting when considering the additional processing necessary for lip reading and context clues. If you've been speaking for a long time, consider taking small breaks in the conversation to allow the listener to respond or take a mental break.


If hearing loss is impacting your daily life, turn to the experts at Heartland Better Hearing in Elizabethtown, KY. Their high-quality hearing devices and products include phones, door beacons, alarm clocks, and TV ears designed to assist with hearing loss. If you are unsure if you are experiencing loss of hearing, they can perform a test to determine your current abilities. This company works with insurance companies to get you the devices you need without additional legwork. To learn more about their products, visit the website. For questions, call (270) 735-9352.
