
If you’ve come home from a concert with ringing in your ears, you’re likely experiencing tinnitus. This symptom of hearing loss can be a nuisance. It’s essential to soothe the noise. There are several home remedies to try. Use the following and take steps to prevent future incidents.

How to Resolve Tinnitus

1. Use a Sound Machine

You can cover up the annoying ringing by plugging in a sound machine. These analog or digital devices play white or pink noise, nature sounds, and other background noise that will mask the ringing. Try playing them when you need to focus or fall asleep.

There are many apps you can use on a smartphone. You can prevent tinnitus by wearing earplugs in loud environments and by standing farther away from the speakers and noise sources.

2. Perform Yoga or Meditate

hearing-loss-elizabethtownStress can make tinnitus worse and linger. Try performing yoga or meditating to calm down. If you have trouble focusing, this is a fantastic time to also use your noise machines. It’s vital to start documenting stress triggers. Consider outside help, such as behavioral therapy, acupuncture, or medication.

3. Head Tap

You may reduce tinnitus with head-tapping. First, cover your ears with your palms. Slowly drum your index fingers against the base of your skull. Do this 50 times with each finger. It may provide relief or serve as a distraction from the noise.

Tinnitus can be linked to forms of hearing loss. It’s never wise to take a chance, so consider working with an audiologist or hearing instrument specialist. They can provide solutions or devices to help you manage the symptom, such as low-volume white noise hearing devices.


If you have concerns about hearing loss, contact Heartland Better Hearing. This practice serves Elizabethtown, KY, and the surrounding communities. Whether you require hearing testing or hearing aids, their skilled team will ensure you have all the assistance and products you need. Call (270) 735-9352 to speak with a representative or visit the website to learn more about the hearing instrument specialists.
