
Front entry doors are more than just a way to enter and exit your home - they also make a statement about your style and can impact your home's energy efficiency and security. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one. Here are 5 tips to help you select the perfect front entry door for your home.

A Guide to Choosing the Right Entry Door

1. Consider the Material

Front doors come in a variety of materials, including wood, fiberglass, steel, and aluminum. Each has its pros and cons, so it's important to consider which factors are most important to you. Wood doors offer a classic, elegant look but require more maintenance, while fiberglass doors are low-maintenance and energy-efficient. Steel doors are durable and secure and can be the most economical choice for your home. 

2. Think About Style

Your front door should complement the style of your home. If you have a traditional home, a wooden door with intricate details may be a good choice. A modern home may benefit from a sleek, minimalistic steel or fiberglass door. Don't be afraid to mix and match styles, but be sure to choose a door that enhances your home's overall aesthetic.

3. Consider Energy Efficiency

Your front entry door can impact your home's energy efficiency. Look for doors with insulated cores and weatherstripping to prevent drafts and keep your home comfortable year-round. Energy-efficient doors can also help reduce your energy bills.

4. Prioritize Security

Your front door is the first line of defense against intruders. Look for doors with strong, durable materials and multiple locking points. Consider adding a deadbolt or security screen for added protection.

5. Don't Forget About Installation

Proper installation is key to ensuring your front door is secure and energy-efficient. Choose a reputable contractor with experience installing front entry doors. They can help you choose the right door for your home and ensure it's installed correctly.



When it comes to front entry doors, there's no one-size-fits-all solution. At Ray St. Clair Roofing, their trusted contractors will work with you to ensure your front door meets all your needs. Serving in the Greater Cincinnati area, their team takes pride in helping homeowners keep their homes looking their best. Call (513) 874-1234 or visit their website to learn more about their services.
