
Young children love to play dress up. Besides providing them with enjoyment, donning costumes and playing pretend are also essential for early childhood development. Several studies have shown that creative play like dress up develops their skills and builds confidence. Here’s a closer look at its other benefits.

Why Encourage Dress-Up Play in Children

1. Develops Communication

Playing dress up helps your child decide what their character will say in a particular situation. They build their vocabulary from what they read, watch, and observe. Your child gets to use words and phrases they don’t typically hear in regular conversations, and they have the opportunity to practice saying these in different manners and intonations as they act out their character. 

2. Improves Motor Skills

early-childhood-developmentMotor skills are crucial in early childhood development, and dress up is excellent for honing these. When your children wear costumes, they learn how to button up shirts, tie their cape or bandannas, or put on hats and crowns, developing their fine motor skills in the process. By jumping, running, and dancing during their active play, they develop their gross motor skills as well.

3. Sparks Imagination

Children have limitless imagination, and there are few better ways to stimulate it than through dramatic dress-up play. These activities encourage your child to think of creative solutions to whatever problems they may encounter, whether during play or in real life. While some of their play is rooted in reality, this doesn’t stop them from dreaming up other scenarios for their characters. This ability to think outside the box is crucial to early child development, and it will come in handy when they grow older.

4. Encourages Socialization

Another critical aspect of early childhood development is social skill. With dress up and roleplaying, children are encouraged to interact with others. They learn how to cooperate, collaborate, listen, and take turns with other children. In the process, they also develop empathy towards others and better understanding of their character’s emotions and roles.  

5. Explores Gender

Dress up defies gender rules and social standards, as it allows children to explore what they feel most comfortable with while learning more about themselves. By encouraging them to engage in dress-up play, they build confidence in knowing what they want to do without regard to gender.  



Dress up plays an essential role in early childhood development, so encourage it by taking your children to Christian Chapel Day Care. Based in Onalaska, WI, this Christian learning center has provided faith-based education and excellent childcare throughout La Crosse County. Call (608) 783-5722 or visit them online to learn more about their preschool programs and philosophy.
